New data has confirmed the massive, deadly failure in the Queensland greyhound racing industry rehoming program.
CPG analysis of greyhounds listed as “deceased” in the FastTrack and eTrac industry databases reveals the names of dogs killed because they are supposedly unrehomable.
By July 2024, almost 40 Queensland dogs have been euthanased in the category “not for re-home/GAP”.
By comparison, the two major racing states, NSW and VIC, had one or two dogs killed in that category
Many of the Queensland dogs are older, veteran dogs with long racing careers. The lack of loyalty shown to these dogs beggars belief.
The data confirms that greyhound rehoming in Queensland is a murderous mess. The University of Queensland euthanases up to 80% of the dogs it receives from racing participants.
Click here to take action to stop Queensland greyhounds being sent to University of Queensland.
In its 2023 quarterly reports, QRIC admitted that:
- 171 greyhounds were killed after being labelled “unsuitable to rehome”
- 2 greyhounds were killed after being labelled “unsuitable to race”
- 22 greyhounds were killed by the industry rehomer GAP for “health and/or behavioural reasons”
- 120 greyhounds were “surrendered to other agencies” including 116 sent to University of Queensland where 80% of them were euthanased within weeks
are they being killed for fraudulent reasons?
why aren't the dogs receiving the required transition care from racing to non-racing lives?

The following Queensland greyhounds are listed as killed as unsuitable to rehome in 2024. The list grows every week.
Name | No of races |
Tuta Rose | 139 |
Prosecutor | 118 |
Babylon Boomers | 110 |
Sunset Matilda | 101 |
Japanese Black | 99 |
Billy Nailer | 97 |
Misunderstood | 84 |
Lady Periwinkle | 78 |
Bernie Boom | 73 |
Always Broke | 72 |
Cosmic Tom Tom | 72 |
Hoover | 70 |
Winter Skye | 68 |
Bogie Lightning | 66 |
Tarawi Minnie | 66 |
Daysea’s Sam | 64 |
Orson Charli | 60 |
Willow’s Pride | 53 |
Kiki’s Boy | 40 |
Street Scandal | 40 |
Russian Dylan | 38 |
Missy Special | 38 |
Canoe Paddler | 37 |
Indian Heat | 33 |
Cash Strap | 33 |
Stolen Moment | 30 |
Farmor Too Many | 29 |
Ghost Prince | 29 |
Grumpy Moose | 27 |
Wu Tang Shogun | 25 |
Woody’s Warrior | 23 |
Farmor Swagger | 21 |
Turbo Percy | 17 |
Kiku | 16 |
Gold Pass | 10 |
Sweet City Boy | 10 |
Blue Car | 10 |