CPG has uncovered around 200 dogs who died off-track after suffering injuries on Australian tracks in 2023

In FY21/22, the national rate of greyhound breeding continues to be about six times the racing industry’s capacity to rehome via its GAPs.

Read our report on the current state of racing regulation in Queensland.

How much do you know about greyhounds and dog racing in Australia? (developed by elliottfox.art)

Every year Australian state governments squander tens of millions of dollars on cruel greyhound racing

Use our email template to call for a cap on greyhound breeding across Australia.

State governments use misleading data to justify the millions in taxpayer funding for greyhound racing

Research has shown that children forced to witness or participate in acts of animal cruelty can suffer serious psychological consequences.
The Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds is committed to a ban on greyhound racing. Until that happens we fight to end the suffering of racing greyhounds. Our campaigns are designed to influence public opinion and target state governments.

Latest track deaths
Latest track injuries
CPG publicises greyhound track deaths and injuries across print, radio and TV. We aim to hold the industry and state governments responsible for their lack of action to protect greyhounds from unnecessary death and injury. Click here for more information on 2025 track deaths and injuries.
Latest news
CPG in the media

December 27, 2024 - The Mercury (TAS)
Please end pain and suffering of beautiful souls
December 13, 2024 - The Courier (VIC)
Safer racing was promised, but in 2024 deaths have doubled at Ballarat track
See more on these stories and all CPG media coverage

Exposing the issues

CPG believes that people deserve to know the facts about the cruelty of greyhound racing. Governments are spending your money to shore up this failing industry which is guilty of causing so much animal suffering. Read the facts on our media resources page.
Changing policy
CPG targets state governments to influence policy and policy makers so that greyhound welfare is seen as an absolute priority. Learn more on our changing policy page.