CPG is committed to ending greyhound racing. Until that happens, CPG makes five key demands of state governments and the racing industry. If they do not implement these changes then they are not serious about greyhound welfare.
In June 2023, CPG updated the key demands to ensure we continue to advocate for greyhound welfare as strongly as possible.

End taxpayer funding
A national survey on attitudes towards dog racing revealed that 69% of Australians oppose the use of taxpayer funds to prop up the greyhound racing industry.
State and territory governments must listen to their constituents and stop diverting funds from education, healthcare and employment programs to support this archaic and callous industry.

Stop unsustainable breeding
The greyhound racing industry breeds six times more dogs than can be rehomed.
Caps on breeding must be introduced to ensure that all dogs bred by the industry are able to live out their lives as pets at the end of their racing career.

Implement whole-of-life tracking
Greyhounds in the racing industry are vulnerable to unnecessary euthanasia, particularly those puppies who do not race and dogs who are rehomed by industry participants.
A system must be implemented to monitor the welfare of each greyhound for their entire life.

Establish independent regulators
Most jurisdictions rely on self-regulation by the industry, which has been shown again and again to be corrupted by conflicts of interest.
Governments benefiting from betting tax revenue must establish independent regulators that prioritise the welfare of greyhounds.
Victini Bale and Manson limp to the finish line on fractured legs before being killed by the on-track vet at Horsham racetrack. Read CPG’s Lethal Tracks report here.

Stop building new tracks
Attempts by the industry to build 'safe' tracks have failed. The evidence shows that greyhounds continue to be injured and killed on all track designs currently in operation, including straight tracks.
There is no such thing as a safe dog racing track.