Race of shame

by Jerone van Kernebeek Jerone is the strategy and campaigns director for the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds. Before joining CPG, he was the first international director of GREY2K USA Worldwide which fights to end the greyhound racing industry around the globe. Jerone founded and led the Australian branch of global animal welfare organisation … Read more

How do we prevent the over-racing of greyhounds?

by Warren Young Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Science, Psychology and Sport, Federation University Australia. In a society that cares about animal welfare, we should look for rules and regulations to make greyhound racing safer. One issue of concern is “over” racing, which means racing too frequently, which could increase the risk of injury to … Read more

How many Gracies are out there?

by Andy and Michelle, NSW Our girl, a rescue named Gracie, came from a trainer who had raced her weekly for two years. Once she was past her “use by date” he just wanted to be rid of her, rather than rehome her properly. Do you have a story of how the industry has failed … Read more

Gone to the dogs

by Luke Henderson, University of Sydney. I adopted my first greyhound while living in New Zealand in 2015.