Greyhound, horse or human? ORI’s doping controls can’t tell you
CPG recently released a report on the state of greyhound racing in Tasmania and the findings unsurprisingly reveal a woeful state of affairs in terms of both integrity and welfare.
Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
End greyhound suffering
CPG recently released a report on the state of greyhound racing in Tasmania and the findings unsurprisingly reveal a woeful state of affairs in terms of both integrity and welfare.
A recent report by the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds (CPG) sheds light on the stark reality of greyhound rehoming in Australia.
The brutal abuse of thousands of Australian greyhounds is not a serious enough matter for the Australian government to worry about.
If I can get Albo to focus on something serious for even a moment, the least he could do is to fix up that horrible greyhound export thing.
by Warren Young Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Science, Psychology and Sport, Federation University Australia. A typical greyhound race in Australia starts with 8 greyhounds. Historically, each dog has been allocated a starting position in a random draw, where box 1 is closest to the rail and box 8 is the furthest from the rail … Read more