White papers and case studies

A GAPing hole in greyhound rehoming – FY22/23 Update

This FY22/23 white paper shows the national rate of greyhound breeding continues at four times the racing industry’s capacity to rehome via its GAPs. The racing industry has effected this change by:
   – shipping hundreds of greyhounds to the USA,
   – arranging adoptions with domestic police groups.
In both cases, nothing known publicly about the rehoming fate of these ex-racing dogs because the industry releases no data. Read the white paper

A GAPing hole in the industry, FY21/22 update

This FY21/22 update to CPG’s white paper “A GAPing hole in greyhound rehoming” (link below) finds that the racing industry is still failing miserably to rehome greyhounds. Read the white paper

Survey – Observations about the health and living conditions of rescued greyhounds

This CPG survey found that the racing industry hands over most of its dogs in a neglected condition, despite welfare codes requiring the exact opposite. The survey gathered the observations of people from community-run greyhound rescue groups around Australia. Read the white paper

A GAPing hole in the industry, FY20/21 update

This FY20/21 update to CPG’s white paper “A GAPing hole in greyhound rehoming” (link below) finds that the racing industry is still failing miserably to rehome greyhounds. Read the white paper

A GAPing hole in the industry FY19/20

This white paper shows the Australian dog racing industry is performing poorly on re-homing compared to the effort made by impoverished community-run rescue groups. Read the white paper

The Case for Straight Tracks

In 2017, the University of Technology Sydney produced a report commissioned by Greyhound Racing NSW. The number one recommendation by UTS stated, “Clearly the best option is to use only straight tracks.”  Read the white paper

The Case for Six Dog Races

Studies conducted by University of Technology Sydney and CPG have proven that six dog racing is safer than seven and eight dog racing.  Read the white paper

Funding for NSW Greyhound Rehoming Providers

Private rehomers accept many more greyhounds than the industry-funded rehoming programs. These private rehomers are an integral part of the government mandated re-homing process and must be provided by the NSW government with adequate financial support. Read the white paper

Greyhound Sanctuaries: Combining animal welfare and region job creation

Rehoming statistics show that there is a significant shortfall between greyhounds requiring homes and those that actually are rehomed. This has led to the euthanasia of thousands of young and healthy greyhounds. A solution to this problem is greyhound sanctuaries. Read the white paper

Reduce breeding (NSW case study)

Overbreeding is a major cause of the unnecessary euthanasia of young and healthy greyhounds. The solution to this problem is a cap on the number of greyhounds bred. In NSW, the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission must be empowered to set and enforce breeding numbers. Read the white paper