It is so important to acknowledge the greyhound stories that do have happy endings. This page is designed to celebrate the capacity of greyhounds to respond with love to the wonderful people who save, adopt and love them. CPG is very keen to hear your tale of hope, please email your story and picture to [email protected].
Justice needs to be served for Jeffrey and every other greyhound out there.
When I was younger I knew nothing about the poor things greyhounds were exposed to. Six years ago, I decided I wanted to rescue a greyhound.
I turned into that “crazy cat lady” but it was all about the greyhounds for me.
I joined so many facebook groups, researching into the breed, and I knew that these were my dogs and I had to help them. I opened a group on facebook called Northern Sydney Rescue greyhounds which is an anti-racing social group.
My first greyhound was a winning racer up until five, then she disappeared up until she was nine years old, when we adopted her. My current two greys are actually both from the same trainer, a trainer who recently was banned for many years from racing due to nine counts of dog abuse. My poor boy Jeffrey was most likely one of them.
We foster failed (adopted) Jeffrey after he just turned two in early 2022 and he came to us emaciated and all bones. He was stress urinating all over the house for months and would cry very loudly when he was alone without us and our other dog. He has been on anxiety meds for years now, Joey too.
Jeffrey has gained 10kg since we adopted him and the vet who is very knowledgeable with greyhounds is happy with his weight.
When we got him we noticed he had a funny gait, he couldn’t run for fun very easily and over time he gradually started to really struggle on walks. After his recent assessment by a vet they said his muscles were very hypertonic and it was not a bone condition causing him to be really stiff and in pain.
We decided to take Jeffrey to hydrotherapy only to find out his muscle pain is from severe atrophy due to being starved as a pup and thus having never fully developed. Jeffrey is a very happy boy now. He is not super impressed about hydrotherapy and loves to pull the big puppy dog eyes on me during it. He is going great with his walking after his sessions and doesn’t seem to be in as much pain as he used to, and the hydrotherapist at K9 Hydrocare Cherrybrook said he is developing muscle well.
It is so sad that such a happy dog can experience such problems like that at such a young age. We have been told Jeffrey will have to have lifelong treatment for his muscles and now he has to suffer from what is Greyhound Racing NSW’s fault.
Justice needs to be served for Jeffrey and every other greyhound out there.
I am so glad that myself and the rescue got Jeffrey away from the trainer, after over one month of pushing for them to get him to us. Jeffrey deserves the best, they all do. I am so heartbroken about everything that happens to these dogs.
On a positive note to end this though, my girl Joey is Jeffrey’s aunty! That was news I found when I was looking up information about their trainer.
Everyone needs to fight for these dogs. My three have brought me nothing but happiness and I wish that upon these dogs too.
Alee Li Gibbs
Celebrating Mother’s Day
with a greyhound ‘supermum’
Kathy Lee is a 4x greyhound mum to Stevie, Gemma, Dixie and Pancho
by Sana Adhikari Chhetri
To celebrate Mother’s Day, we tell the story of Kathy Lee, a mum of four greyhounds who lives in NSW. Greys are often associated with dog racing and betting, but as many of us know, they make wonderful pets for those who have the time and love to give.
Rescue greyhounds Stevie, Gemma, Dixie and Pancho came with their own unique personality and history.
Greyhound ‘super mum’ Kathy traded in her hatchback for an SUV so she could transport her gaggle of greys!
“Having them has changed my life. They bring me so much pleasure and they’re all perfect in their own way,” said Kathy.
She’d always wanted to adopt greyhounds. When her first dog, a whippet called Shari, passed away after 13 years, Kathy was keen to take her mind off the pain. Rescuing greyhounds, who also needed to adjust to a new start just like her, helped with this journey.
She first got Stevie and then Dixie a few months later, followed by Pancho in September, 2022 and Gemma in October. While owning four dogs has made life busier, she finds them all incredibly sweet and wouldn’t be without them.
“I got Stevie first. He never raced but loves running up and down the dividing fence at the dog park with the small dogs and interacts more with people than other large dogs,” she said. Stevie is a four-year-old brindle greyhound who has been with her since January 2022.
“He is a gentle and sensitive alpha male who loves affection and will nudge you with his head if you stop patting him.”
“He has a habit of sticking his head through people’s legs when they’re standing, surprising strangers,” Kathy said.
After rescuing Stevie, Kathy adopted Dixie, a five-year-old black greyhound, in June, 2022, feeling the need for a companion for Stevie. Dixie was a successful racer and likes to be out front when going for walks.
“She has a sleep startle but insists on snuggling up to me and barks in protest if she’s bumped while asleep.
She loves to dig when she has the opportunity, including ‘digging’ the water in the clam pool but not actually lying down in it,” said Kathy.
“She also has a lot of energy and no self-control, often chewing and scratching things up if left alone for too long. Despite this, Dixie is very cute and petite, with a shiny black coat.”
The fourth greyhound Kathy rescued was Gemma, a 15-year-old blue greyhound, after meeting her at the dog park.
Gemma’s owner was moving house and wasn’t able to have as many pets, so Kathy saved Gemma from possible euthanasia (because the original owners thought no-one would want an elderly hound).
“She’s very easy-going and loves to join in with the other dogs, despite being bashed around by them,” said Kathy.
Gemma was a racer in her prime, but since then her back legs have become wobbly and she almost falls over when she shakes herself.
“She’s now regained some condition and strength. Despite her current state, Gemma holds her ground at the dog park, as well as with Stevie and Dixie if they overstep the mark,” said Kathy.
Among the four greyhounds Kathy rescued, Pancho was a 10-year-old white greyhound who had arthritis and bone cancer in his knee. Pancho’s owner was unwell and asked a vet to put the greyhound down.
Instead, the practice’s vet nurse advertised Pancho’s plight on social media and Kathy put her hand up once again.
“He was receiving injections for arthritis, but his condition worsened. He was put to sleep to end his suffering as there is no effective treatment for bone cancer. Despite only having him for four months, I miss him. He was a gentleman who was happy to wait his turn to snuggle up on the couch,” she said.
Some greyhounds develop bone cancer in their middle age after their initial active years as racers. With only their first four years seen as ‘useful’ by the racing industry, no effort is made by the way of breeding practices to reduce health issues like bone cancer.
“I would recommend greys to anyone and everyone as they are sweet and affectionate dogs that sleep most of the day and rarely bark,” said Kathy.
If you’d like to foster or adopt a greyhound to give them a life beyond racing please, see here.
To volunteer with CPG, see here.
Evie visits a local palliative care hospital with us, her calming and gentle nature providing welcome respite to staff, patients and their families.
Evie’s adoptive family wrote the letter below to a number of state MPs asking for an end to taxpayer funding of greyhound racing. We’re asking all animal lovers across Australia to do the same for the sake of these wonderful dogs. Please click here for our email template.
I write as a loving pet owner of Evie, our pet Greyhound.
Evie is nine (calendar) years old and has been with us since she was four. She is a wonderful companion, calm, gentle, lazy and slightly aloof.
We care for her and love her. Evie visits a local palliative care hospital with us, her calming and gentle nature providing welcome respite to staff, patients and their families.
Evie was bred from a lineage of ‘successful’ racing Greyhounds, but she is very small weighing 21KGs (large Greyhounds can weigh more than 40KGs). She raced just less than 50 times and won only 2 short races, no doubt due to her small size.
She was considered no longer of value to the ‘trainer’ and was located by a volunteer Greyhound rescue operation Greyt Greys.
Like many greyhounds, Evie suffered (at that time) from untreated Pannus. We suspect her rear hip problem has resulted from her racing and heavy impact with larger dogs during the race.
I would like to call on your support to have Greyhound (or pet) racing banned in Australia. I question the financial benefit or enjoyment gamblers are receiving from the ‘sport’ and weigh this against the number of injured and unwanted Greyhounds that are released from this ‘industry’ if or once they cannot perform.
I shudder to think of what happens to Greyhounds that aren’t quite perfect at birth. Greyhounds do like to run, but this should be done on their terms and not for the purposes of gambling of which there are a never ending array of other alternatives for punters.
I would also like to request your support in immediately cancelling any public money that may be flowing into activities or facilities associated with Greyhound racing.
Greyhounds are wonderful pets, but I think it’s abhorrent to breed them in scale to support the gambling needs of so few in our population. It’s just wrong.
You’re also more than welcome to come and visit Evie – I have attached two pictures of her in any case.
For the sake of Evie and the countless number of other Greyhounds, please ban this ‘sport’.
Gavin, Lisa & Nicholas
I will never forget Henry. I miss him every day.Henry came to me when his previous human companion realized that although still a sharp and sprightly ninety plus, she was unable to sustain the tempo of exercise that Henry loved and needed. And of course there was the small matter of a confrontation with a neighbour’s cat, where Henry came off worse for wear!
I was told that Henry had survived a long racing career, and he certainly had the scars to prove it and a strong prey drive.
Although he showed the classic gentle greyhound nature, he also showed a reserve and dignity that led him to being referred to as The Elder Statesman in the greyhound walking group.
At age ten, his keenness to walk long distances on his twice daily walks ceased and he began to experience a series of brief collapses, which my medical training recognized as diabetic “hypos”. Investigations revealed that he had pancreatic cancer. This is usually a rapidly terminal illness.
Miraculously, early diagnosis and a successful surgical outcome gave my lovely boy two more years of springing into the car at every opportunity and intensely surveying the passing world in our many drives in the country.
Inevitably the cancer claimed my gorgeous boy Henry, who still sprang into the car for a drive on the day before he died at age 13. On that sad day he suddenly became weak, could not walk, and fixed me with that dependent look, asking his Daddy for help. I still weep when I remember that plea from his soulful eyes. He needed help from me and I could not give it. He was so weak he could only lick my hand. Then he was gone.
I could not contemplate sharing my life with another of these beautiful animals for some time, mainly out of respect for the dignified and loyal life he led and the joy and affection he gave me.
But I know there are many greyhounds who need our love and support, both personal and political. I am now sharing my (partly retired) life with another amazing rescued character and I love him dearly. But I will never forget Henry.
I miss him every day.
Russell, Henry’s Dad
She really does trust that all is good in the world and that the humans will make everything okBlondie first came into our lives as a foster. It would be her first time in a home and for us to show her the ropes. At the shelter, we gently put her in the car and she shook with fear as she was terrified of being in the car.
Within a few days she had settled into being with us, being in the house and making friends with our other home hound Harry. Blondie had become accustomed to sleeping next to the wood-heater and greeting me at the front door when I arrived home.
Her beautiful and very cute overbite had my partner and I captivated.
On that first day, we took off her winter coat and were horrified at the wide bare patches of missing fur on her back legs. Blondie also had a big scar on her paper thin skin from being de-sexed just a few days prior.
The first night she pinched a packet of slivered almonds from the pantry and the later was eyeing off a packet of cotton-balls, but within a few days of us watching her and showing her that no, she couldn’t take some of our dinner – she had it all sussed out and knows that she can’t walk up and take items as she pleases.
One thing that I have always said about Blondie is that she always takes things in her stride. It has allowed her to learn a lot, which is handy, as she has had a lot to learn!
Blondie was born in Victoria in 2015 and while she never raced there, she was raced numerous times on 3 race tracks in Tasmania. On one occasion she was raced with and collided with litter mate Hughey Dee. At 4 years of age she was homed for the first time in her life.
At first when meeting breeds other than greyhounds – she could not believe her eyes and had no clue what to make of them at all. Blondie is now quite the social butterfly and adores meeting dogs and people. Especially children and if she spots them at a distance, she will stop still and pray that we are going that way or they are coming her way. The perfect height to be right at her level.
Blondie will walk exuberantly and I struggle to keep up with her. I just love to watch her little bounce. She has small, velvet, triangle ears and these are able to take on a whole myriad of positions.
To describe Blondie, I would say she is confident, calm, intelligent, cheeky and gentle. She really does light up our lives each day.
The only way to treat Blondie is with kindness, which has had a flow on effect for us and was a big wake up call to be kinder people.
Blondie is stunningly beautiful. It is horrifying to me that someone would see her as wastage. I feel like crying when she takes a treat, as she does it so gently it is mind boggling. I feel sad every time I see the blue marks on the inside of her ear – her mark that she is a product when actually, now, she is recognised as a being and one with so much personality at that!
We have recently moved interstate and hired a pet transport company. Which meant the first time being separated from our home hounds at night. Blondie did not stress at all – she had a friendly human and a couch to sit on and was doing great. Her carer recounts waking up on several occasions to find Blondie sleeping on top of her (sleeping on the human bed at home is a big no no).
For the first few months she had bad dreams almost every night and if her leash tangled, a very loud & blood curdling scream would ensue.
The bad dreams are now replaced with good dreams (lots of running and yipping). We are almost three years in and getting her leash tangled, the sniffing and adventuring simply continue.
She really does trust that all is good in the world and that the humans will make everything ok.
Alice, Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
Susie Pigram – if greyhounds were angels
I describe Susie as an angel in a greyhound’s body because she was the angel that I needed when I needed one the most.Susie is 11 years old this year and is a spritely, mature lady greyhound. Susie was surrendered to Friends of the Hound at the age of 6. We are not sure of what Susie’s life before being surrendered was like, but she was very shy and withdrawn at times. Susie instantly settled down into pet life and was soon enjoying lounge roaches, walks on the beach and trips to the local café.
Although Susie settled in quickly, it took some months for her to come out of her shell fully but when she did, she became the most fun, loving and free-spirited dog.
Walks and treats are her favourite especially pizza and toast bones. Susie is not a barker however when there is pizza around, Susie’s will soon give you a nudge and sweet “woof” to let you know that she is here to receive pizza bones when you are done.
Susie is a sweet dog who is incredibly gentle, and we have had multiple comments on how gentle she is. Greyhounds are often described as great with children, and Susie is no exception. She is gentle, playful and patient with children even when they do pull her ears and poke her in the eye!
Susie took on the Matriarch role in the family especially when we introduced her new little sister Lyla. Susie instantly took on the big sister role and started to show Lyla the ropes. I think this took more of Susie’s patience, but they soon became best of friends and Lyla absolutely adores Susie.
As Susie gets older, we are reminded of just how fragile these beautiful creatures are …
As Susie gets older, we are reminded of just how fragile these beautiful creatures are with Susie starting to slow down and suffers with some arthritis. She still enjoys a stroll on the beach and every now and then a run with her sister but is equally happy to take a seat on the sand and enjoy the view.
We had no idea when we first met Susie just how a massive part of lives she would be, and we are so grateful everyday day to have our beautiful girl as part of our family. She has made our lives so much richer and brings so much joy and peace to our family every day.
Mathew, Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
Every day, week and month with Sal is like unwrapping a new gift
My partner and I fell in love with greyhounds well prior to starting our family; we’d see them on walks in our neighbourhood, at local cafes and at the beach. I was a goner from my first experience of the greyhound ‘lean’ – the full body press against you as you find that perfect scritch spot.
We all fell in love with Sal immediately; “a tiger!” gasped the kids at sighting Sal the 6 year old brindle beauty.
Some gentle investigation and play with the kids and she was ours (or we hers) to bring home.
In 2017, at age 3, Sal’s racing career ended. We were told she was ‘really fast!’ and that we should check out her race videos online. After 44 races and almost $20,000 in winnings, Sal’s last race was a win in first place. On a broken foreleg.
My beautiful girl was then kept for breeding; 2 litters that we know of – 10 pups, 5 unnamed. Of the 2 lookalike brindle females Sal has birthed in those litters, one pup last raced in January and like her mother, has finished racing with a front leg fracture. The other is unnamed.
It has taken time, space and love for her to integrate into pet life in our busy family
It hasn’t all been smooth sailing; Sal had spent 6 years as a racer and breeder so it has taken time, space and love for her to integrate into pet life in our busy family but we are so proud of her (and the kids) for the communication and cues that allow us to read how she is feeling.
Sal’s amazing empathy, resilience and all around wonderful nature has seen her reside with our 3 energetic kids, but also many visiting children and adults, and a number of foster siblings (of all breeds) and short break doggie guests.
Every day, week and month with Sal is like unwrapping a new gift; she gives us something more of herself regularly. We can’t imagine our family without her in it.
Steph, Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
Mum says I’m very different to my big brothers; I know I’m a bit of a terror! She still seems to love me, thank goodness.
Hi there, I’m Zenith!!!
I’ve been told that I’m a bit of a unicorn, being one of the very few greyhound puppies you see outside the racing industry!
I’ve also been told that I was lined up to be one of the “hidden statistics”: puppies that are born into racing who are quietly euthanised without any recording of their details, no name, no acknowledgement; born and then gone without a trace.
Luckily for me, a very kind veterinary nurse was around when my mummy had a caesarean, and offered to take me on!
I was born with a very severe congenital cleft palate. Basically the whole length of the roof of my mouth communicated with my nose! My foster mummy did a great job nursing me and helping me grow up, until I was big enough to find my forever home. Given the complexities of my disease, that forever home just happened to be with the ‘sucker’ veterinarian for CPG, who had recently said goodbye to both her old greyhound boys.
I had big shoes to fill, and lots of puppy cuteness (and pus!) to try and fill it with! Mum says I’m very different to my big brothers; I know I’m a bit of a terror! As a “greyhound that doesn’t know it’s a greyhound”, rescued as soon as I was born and never exposed to the industry, I’m much more vocal, cheeky and rambunctious than she’s been used to! She still seems to love me, thank goodness.
When I was big enough, I was taken to a specialist vet clinic for a nap. When I woke up, my mouth felt a bit weird, but suddenly, the world was full of so many different smells! Did you know there’s more smells than just pus? I live an awesome life with my parents and animal family.
Mum says it’s my job to be an ambassador for all my greyhound cousins out there who have not had such a lucky life; I think I’m already helping, by inspiring her greyhound advocacy every day.
Dr Belinda Oppenheimer, CPG’s Vet extraordinnaire and Zenith’s Mum
A note from CPG
Fussy Vegan is a Queensland based company who develop #1 top selling apps for vegans. The Fussy Vegan team approached CPG as they have a gorgeous greyhound called Luxor and a special interest in trying to stop greyhound racing. They are very generously displaying information about greyhound racing and CPG on their app and they have our heartfelt thanks.
Luxor has transitioned over to full vegan food & this happened so easily with him.
We adopted Luxor from GAP QLD after our beloved greyhound Cairo sadly passed away.
We felt empty after losing Cairo and decided it was definitely the right decision to adopt another greyhound. We have a loving family home and we knew that we could offer another greyhound their forever home with us. Luxor brings light to our family and makes us smile every single day. He has bursts of energy which means it’s zoomies around the yard at full speed.
He loves playing with his squeaky toys on his bed and loves catching the frisbee in the backyard or at the dog park. This may seem like a very active dog but for the rest of the 22 hrs a day Luxor sleeps in his bed and this happens for the majority of his day.
Luxor has transitioned over to full vegan food and this happened so easily with him. He loves all types of food and will happily wait to see what you have for him to eat. There is also lots of vegan dog treats on the market for your pampered pooch.
Greyhounds love attention but they will also love you unconditionally back and love snuggles any moment you are willing.
Ken & Shanna, Fussy Vegan
He was described as a smart commodity by his trainers … it couldn’t be further from the truth, he is so much more than that!
It’s been a long road home
It has been a very long and challenging journey for 10-year-old greyhound Holly. But she has finally reached a loving home on the Queensland Gold Coast with CPG team member and dog-and-Triumph-loving Annie.
Annie tells us Holly’s story.
Holly was called Droopys Hope when she was a champion in Ireland where she was Bitch of the Year 2012. Her outstanding success and winnings didn’t buy any loyalty from her Irish owners and she was sold to an Australian syndicate.
Apparently retired at the top of her game, as a champion I guess her pups would have been worth a lot. GRRRRR, MAKES YOU MAD doesn’t it!
Holly arrived in Australia when she was two years old and was kept as a brood bitch having puppies. Last year at 9 years old she came into the wonderful rescue group Gumtree Greys.
The vet said that Holly was a “mess” inside following a caesarean for her last litter and had been sewn up INSIDE with nylon non dissolvable sutures.
Holly was raced 37 times and had 17 puppies. She had her last litter when she was nine years old.
Holly is doing well now, she’s my darling girl .
Annie, Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
Pearl is a champion!
Pearl is a champion because she survived the greyhound racing industry, racing uninjured until she was 3 and was relocated from NSW to Tasmania during this time. She then just existed for another 3 years in a greyhound paddock.
She was finally surrendered and I adopted her 8 months ago. She now has a comfy life moving from bed to bed as she follows me from room to room. She ignores the cat and has recently cottoned onto the art of begging for food with those eyes!
I am so lucky to have Pearl in my life.
Robyn, Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
This is the story of how I came to have my very own huuman.
The year was 2008/9, I had just come out of a failed relationship and pregnancy. I was placed into the care of the nice people at Greyhound Adoptions WA, there I met my own huuman.
We shall call my huuman Simon, that’s what he seems to answer to!!
Simon would put me in the car and take me off to places full
of humans and other greyhounds. Unsure of this, not being well socialised, I would growl and hide next to Simon. All part of a clever cunning plan. No one was interested in me!
I was living with another grey, Charlie, a real cool dude. Each night we would greet Simon at the gate, except for this one night.
I was on patrol whilst Charlie slept. That’s when I saw it, a grey furry thing running around the house, imagine….in my house, really? Killed it. When dad came home I was on his bed, head down arse up, tail wagging like mad. Horror, dad didn’t like the present I’d left him, my dead rat.
Simon wasn’t mad for too long, tea and cuddles followed. All was going to plan, or so I thought!!
A young girl had seen me and wanted me to live with her. It was horrible. I was left alone outside, my nice white fur became yellow from sleeping where I peed. Sores and ulcers racked my body. I lost weight and condition. I wanted out and back to Simon and Charlie.
Simon must have heard my prayers. I was locked in a hot smelly shed with another chap one day, no food or water, the floor a mess of wee and poo. CRASH……. Simon used his size 10 master key to open the door.
He took me away from my hell, and my new friend as well. However my friend and I had a lengthy stay at the vets. When I was allowed home, it was back to Simon and Charlie, there was a new dog there as well Tex, but he was cool.
Not long after my return, another lady wanted me to go to her house to live. Simon said “No, I had been through too much”
And that’s how I came to own my own huuman.
Age has slowed me down and my old bones creak. I feel the cold and the eye sight is dim. Coats and fires, plenty of comfy beds and cuddles are all I need now.
I turned 13 of your huuman years at the start of May.
Oliver and Elliot
Our lives have been enriched one hundred fold with the love and companionship both these beautiful boys give us on a daily basis.
Oliver came into our lives three years ago after I had seen an advert at my local vet’s looking for foster carers for greyhounds.
We had at the time only the one dog, Lily our rescued Labradoodle and it seemed a perfect opportunity to help out Friends of the Hound with their fostering program.
I gave them a call and that afternoon around came Oliver to our house for a meet and greet and for us to hear all about the program. He was 6 years old and had been rescued from a dog hoarder/neglect case in NSW.
Read more about Oliver
It was love at first sight between Oliver and our Lily and the meet and greet with a sleepover turned into a permanent stay for him. We all instantly fell in love with his gentle, quiet and quirky soul.
I did a bit of research on him and his race name had been Diamond Sparkles and sadly it appeared he had sustained some serious injuries at the track as well as developing severe blood poisoning. According to the reports many a vet had predicted he would never race again but yet he was back at the track making money for the punters.
It breaks my heart to think of him having gone through such a hard start in life but I am so grateful he survived those hardships and we eventually found each other.
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Our lives felt complete with both Lily and Oliver but one day I decided it might be a nice idea to organise a New Year’s hound walk so that other locals with greyhounds could meet and get to know each other.
It was there that we first met gorgeous Elliot who had literally just been rescued from the track. He stole our hearts from the moment his eyes met ours.
We were told that he was only 2 years old and had been abused by his trainer for not chasing and that he had been pushing to euthanize him due to there being something apparently “wrong with him”.
Read more about Elliot
The Friends of the Hound convinced the owner not to allow that to happen and said they would take him. On vet inspection it appeared that Elliot had been throttled which had caused permanent damage to his throat leaving him with an enlarged larynx and a cough which has thankfully improved with time.
He was also painfully thin. It was heart breaking to watch him eat when he first came to us as he really did attack his food with the ferocity of someone that had been starved which he very obviously had been.
Having endured his horrendous start in life, Elliot is the sweetest, most calm and gentle soul. His capacity for love and forgiveness after the way his so called “trainer” treated him is humbling.
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I am forever grateful to the Friends of the Hound for rescuing both Oliver and Elliot and entrusting them to our family.
Our lives have been enriched one hundred fold with the love and companionship both these beautiful boys give us on a daily basis.
I have been lucky enough to have dogs as part of my life since the day I was born and I have loved them all but I can safely say that greyhounds are one to the most precious breeds around. My heart has been utterly stolen for sure!
Kimba & Demi
After four years, Kimba has blossomed from a timid girl to Miss Personality and loves life. She’s just been joined by new foster Demi.Kimba raced 23 times and was bowled over at 19 of them at the notoriously dangerous track for young dogs, Launceston.
She was live baited, so continues to wear a muzzle when off lead. She was so timid I would walk her around the cemetery where it was quiet.
After four years she is now MISS PERSONALITY, has turned into a beach babe, has put on weight and LOVES LIFE.
Demi is a new foster who arrived in early May. Like Kimba she is seven years old.
This poor baby was successful at racing, winning $48,000 in prize money then forced to have litters. She is such a precious girl but very, very tired and timid.
But early days yet: LOTS OF LOVE & PATIENCE.
I am blessed to help them
Molly and our doberman Ally love camping and the great outdoors. We love them both so much.Molly our greyhound will be three this year. Our other dog is a female doberman named Ally, 7 years old. The two of them get on great, they love camping and the great outdoors. We love them both so much and will be getting another greyhound very soon.
Pippa is simply a big friendly girl, happy with the simple things in life and enjoys long walks through the countryside with our other greyhound girl Rio.Pippa is an Irish greyhound with an Australian father.
She was owned by a betting syndicate and ran 68 races at Belle Vue race track UK. Pippa was discarded into rescue aged three with bald patches, pressure sore scars, bad teeth and ticks by her “award-winning” trainer.
We first met Pippa in August 2013 when she had been in rescue a few weeks. Pippa eventually came to live with us in October 2013, a few days before her 4th birthday.
Pippa is simply a big friendly girl, happy with the simple things in life and enjoys long walks through the countryside with our other greyhound girl Rio. We have given up on downstairs beds for her as they were never used and Pippa likes to streeeeeetch the full length of the settee.
Pippa’s father Bit Chili was exported to China and we discovered that Pippa has many relatives and half siblings around the globe including Lucy from Busselton Greyhound Awareness (see below) and a number of Macau greyhounds rescued from the Canidrome. Sadly Bit Chili died in China after being used for breeding.
Pippa celebrated her 10th birthday last year. She also had the remainder of her teeth removed but she manages fine bar an increased tendency to tongue escapes.
Lucy of Busselton Greyhound Awareness nearly lost her life two weeks ago due to a ruptured spleen, the picture above was taken 15 days after her emergency operation.
Lucy had a fractured hock after her last race in 2013 and spent 14 months in a kennel until she was rescued, we were then told by a vet to euthanise her as there are so many healthy dogs to adopt.
Needless to say she wasn’t killed and is still with us.
Jacky, Busselton Greyhound Awareness
Amber currently shares her home with Mason and Ivar, two rescue greyhounds, and Tollo, a rescue Spanish galgo. She is an amazing little girl and she is my world.I adopted my little girl Amber at 18 months from Greyhound Rescues and Co-ordinated Emergencies (G.R.A.C.E.) in the UK.
She was rescued by them at 14 months with two of her siblings, she was trialled for racing at seven months.
She is a lot smaller due to this and it’s hard to put weight on. But she still loves people and is a happy little girl full of energy.
Amber accompanied me to lots of outreach awareness events engaging with the public to promote greyhounds as pets and to stop greyhound racing.
She currently shares her home with Mason and Ivar, two rescue greyhounds, and Tollo, a rescue Spanish galgo.
She is an amazing little girl and she is my world. She is four and a half now.
Receiving ear rubs (yes, the eargasm!) is one of Fergus’s favourite activities in life. He’s a great cuddler and is a gentle soul who we love dearly.In 2017, my beloved greyhounds Tallulah and Bondy passed away within months of each other and left a huge hole in my heart. It also opened up our home for two more greyhounds who needed a home and heaps of love.
I decided on a bonded pair because they are harder to home and I hate the thought of splitting up a pair. Friends of the Hound rescue had an older pair, Fergus and Shirley, who were having trouble being homed because of their age and Fergus’s autoimmune eye disease, Pannus, which required life-long treatment.
At first, I was a bit hesitant because of their ages – six and seven – knowing that maybe I would only have them for four years, and couldn’t bear the thought of losing them so quickly. However, when I heard their story, I had to give them their furever home.
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Of course, I adopted them! Although, sadly, Shirley was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and only spent little more than a year with us. To bring Fergus his happiness back, we adopted Suki to be his new playmate. It was love at first sight. Fergus really adores having a companion. In fact, he now has TWO GIRLS as we adopted a rescue puppy, Sophia, and she and Suki both adore him. He is thrilled to have his little harem.
Fergus is incredibly handsome and healthy, despite having Pannus and Coeliac disease – which we manage pretty easily. He is a very easy-going and polite boy and is my velcro dog at home. He gets along with even the tiniest little dog and doesn’t seem to have any aggression in his bones at all.
Receiving ear rubs (yes, the eargasm!) is one of Fergus’s favourite activities in life, along with long walks and a frolic on the beach on the island where we live in Queensland. He’s a great cuddler and is a gentle soul who we love dearly. He’ll be 10 years old next month and there will be lots of treats for this special boy.
Vickie, the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds
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Mesmerizing eyes and effervescent personality – she is awesome!
Molly adopted us in 2017 and a few months later began her campaign for greyhound world domination at Greyhound Awareness Events and protests.
She was the first rescued greyhound in our area but through her mesmerizing eyes and effervescent personality she now has a posse of 10 greyhounds to meet at events and coffee dates!
She is currently hosting two huge ex-coursing foster greyhound boys during the pandemic lockdown and she is training them for their forever homes. She is awesome!
Katie, Greyhound Awareness Cork
Getting Rommy out of the cage was a feat in itself but once she was in the car I knew that there was no turning back.
The place was dark and wet and in the hot humid Cairns climate was not fit for anything breathing to inhabit.
As I was about to leave I noticed a much smaller cage at the rear of the shed with a shadowy trembling figure half sitting but hunched over at the back of it. I moved closer to see it was a frightened black greyhound cowering as far away as she could get from the doorway … and me. The cage was so small she couldn’t even turn around in it so as not to look at me.
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I asked the trainer who this poor little thing was. But he told me not to worry about her because she was too traumatised to be wanted by anyone and he would be getting rid of her in a couple of days. I knew what that meant.
As it turned out he had only had her a week or so after she was given to him as a freebie from her previous trainer because she wouldn’t jump out of the starting box at the start of her races. He thought he could win her over ????. And turn her into a proper racing dog ?????.
She had been beaten and terrorised in an attempt to make her jump out of the starting box. Instead she cowered in the back while they bashed on the outside and yelled at her.
I crouched down and held out my hand for her to smell but the fear in her eyes was pitiful and I took it away in a feeble attempt to show her I wasn’t going to hurt her. I also noticed she had the cutest Roman nose.
The longer I stayed with her on the floor of that stifling tin shed the more I knew what fate laid ahead for this sad frightened creature and the more the trainer told me that she wasn’t rehomeable the more I knew that I couldn’t leave her there.
Getting Rommy out of the cage was a feat in itself but once she was in the car I knew that there was no turning back.
Rommy came home that day and has been with us since. She took a whole month to allow Paul to get near her. Her fear of men is still very obvious even today six years later as is her reluctance to get out of the car if we go anywhere away from home.
Our Rommy these days is the biggest snuggle bug. We can’t imagine what our life would be like without her. Her quiet life on our little farm away from the hustle and bustle of suburbia is ideal and I’m sure is what helped her to finally trust us. She’s home and that’s all that matters.
Colleen, Greyhound Rehoming Cairns and Tablelands District
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Now his favourite place to nap is on my lap
We love our boy Elvis to pieces. He is a quirky loving boy, however when we first got him he was so scared he would growl at anyone who approached him if he was lying down. Now his favourite place to nap is on my lap.

Christian Greyhound
No dog can be considered waste if simple training can rehabilitate them.
When I first got Christian Greyhound, he was so scared of people he couldn’t even walk past my flatmates to go outside to wee. He peed in the house a lot. We worked really hard over months to get him comfortable with people. He now approaches strangers for pats. He’s the most awkward, loving and sweet natured dog. No dog can be considered waste if simple training can rehabilitate them.

Saffy fitted PERFECTLY into our lives.
We live in a small unit and always wanted a greyhound. The usual story we thought it was too small and our work pattern wouldn’t suit having a dog. Getting to know Julia (Gumtree Greys) and her dogs we realised we could. Saffy fitted PERFECTLY into our lives and it was a delight to see her grow from the timid shy dog she was into the fun loving affectionate girl she became.
Rest in peace dear Saffy, 2014

Tiffany and her friend Squeak!
Tiff’s favourite things to do are nap all morning in the sun and sleep all afternoon on her armchair.
Tiff was adopted from a local adoption group in Queensland three years ago.
She was lucky enough to escape the racing industry before her second birthday after the trainer/owner deemed her unsuitable for racing, and dumped her at a local vet during the night.
Since that date she has received nothing but love and care in her Brisbane home, going for walks daily, munching down on toast corners most mornings, and running around at the local school oval as a special treat.