Help us Close the Canidrome: #bringjackhome


The Canidrome is China’s only access to a legal greyhound track located in casino capital, Macau. It houses up to 730 greyhounds exported from Australia. They kill 30 each month once injured or once they have failed to win 5 races consecutively.

In the entire time that greyhounds have been racing in Macau, only 6 have left alive.

“Every single greyhound there is literally running for their lives.” Housing conditions and the treatment of the dogs is so appalling at the Canidrome that dogs routinely become extremely distressed and engage in stereotypical behaviours due to stress, boredom, and lack of stimulation from being locked up in solitary confinement cells.

Below is a link to a flyer which you can print and distribute at this Sunday’s rallies and in the general community to advise people how they can help to shutdown the Canidrome.

Jack Leaflet