Greyhound Life Matters – Issue 5 articles

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Please find here links to the main articles from Issue 5 of the Greyhound Life Matters e-zine separated into single pdf files.

  1. Why are greyhounds prone to dental disease? – Dr Eric Davis
    GLM 6-9 DENTAL
  2. The power of a collective rescue voice? – Dr Eleonora Gullone
    GLM 10-13 collective rescue
  3. Greys and Galgos: Saving dogs in the UK, Ireland, and Spain. – Lucinda Read
    GLM 14-17 galgos
  4. The protection that Animal Welfare laws in Australia offer (some) animals. – Carolin Darmanin
    GLM 18-25 legal
  5. Why greyhounds? – Senator Mehreen Faruqi, PhD
    GLM 28-31 Mehreen
  6. How I became a greyhound activist? – Dennis Anderson
    GLM 32-37 activism
  7. Inside the minds of dogs: An interview with Faith Wild – Dr Vickie Sublette
    GLM 38-41 Faith Wild
  8. How can you help?
    GLM 42-45 How you can help