Organising a Rally? See This Checklist.

Putting an event together can be daunting or confusing if you have never organised one before. Here are a few things to consider or do to help you get started. Message us on Facebook if you have any questions!

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Society and Greyhound Racing

There is one theory in psychology that has helped to understand and explain human behaviour more powerfully than any other. It is referred to as Social Learning Theory. It was put forth the by infamous Albert Bandura. Psychology and psychologists have benefitted enormously through use of this theory. What it tells us is that a … Read more

Live export of Australian greyhounds

If you thought that the way greyhound is treated is pretty bad already and if you are among the many voices being heard to end the criminal, corrupt and horrifically cruel greyhound racing industry in the Australian states and territories, I am afraid that it gets worse for greyhounds. In addition to the 17,000 plus … Read more

Born A Greyhound

I sit here alone, looking all around There’s no one about, not even a sound. It’s night time you see, and it seems very late, All I can do is sit here and wait. Surely someone will come, and take me back home, Why have they left me here all alone? Did I do wrong … Read more

The Social Dangers of Allowing Greyhound Racing to Continue.

There is an established research base showing a predictable relationship between cruelty to animals and aggression towards humans. This has been referred to as “The Link”. See Gullone (2012). Animal cruelty happens for a number of reasons. These can include achieving some desired end (e.g., live baiting so that dogs run faster). For the perpetrator, … Read more