Parliament in New South Wales will be voting on legislation for the ban on greyhound racing soon – it is more important now than ever to show politicians that you support the ban and that greyhound racing supporters are just a noisy minority of people. Please help the greyhounds by contacting MPs in NSW!
Speeches – Melbourne March for the Murdered Million: 24th July, 2016
Dr Eleonora Gullone – Founder, Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds We stand here today to commemorate the Murdered Million greyhounds who have been bred, used and discarded by the greyhound racing industry. 2015 revelations of an industry riddled with cruelty, criminality and corruption have been so damning that they marked the beginning of the … Read more
March for the Murdered Million – Brisbane Eulogy
This is the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds’ eulogy for the greyhounds bred, used and killed by the racing industry. It was delivered at the Brisbane March for the Murdered Million on 24 July 2016.
Queensland Greyhound Lovers March to Mourn Racing Death Toll.
An independent analysis of Queensland greyhound racing stewards reports over a 2.5 year period shows that 125 dogs have died at the track after sustaining racing injuries. “It is gruesome to realise that four healthy young greyhounds die every month on the track,” said Dr Eleonora Gullone, founder of the Coalition for the Protection … Read more
Two Dogs Killed Weekly on Victorian Race Tracks, Classed as ‘Retired’
An independent analysis of Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) race day reports has found that 58 greyhounds were euthanised at the race track in the first half of 2016 and are now classified ‘retired’ on GRV’s database. “The industry has long romanticised itself by portraying greyhound racing as a sport,” said Dr Eleonora Gullone, founder of … Read more