Animal Welfare in Victoria has Gone to the Dogs.

The Victorian government is seeking submissions relating to its proposed new guidelines for greyhound facilities across Victoria.  The link to the government’s guidelines is: We encourage you to make a submission. To guide the contents of your submission, please find a copy of a media release sent out by the Animal Justice Party below. Since … Read more

Letter re: NSW greyhound racing ban transition package

  Below, please see the Coalition’s letter sent to Premier Mike Baird and to deputy premier Troy Grant. Please use it as a guide for the contents of your own letter sent to both the premier and deputy premier.   Dear Hon. premier, we have read with concern news reports claiming that the Greyhounds Transition … Read more

The NSW Greyhound Racing Ban: Myth-Busting

Ever since the NSW government announced the decision to ban greyhound racing, the amount of misinformation that the industry and its supporters have spewed forth would be funny in all its ill-informed glory if it wasn’t so pervasive in the media. As a community service, the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds busts the top 10 myths making the rounds in the pro-greyhound racing camps.

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Email to NSW MPs Supporting the Ban

Parliament in New South Wales will be voting on legislation for the ban on greyhound racing soon – it is more important now than ever to show politicians that you support the ban and that greyhound racing supporters are just a noisy minority of people. Please help the greyhounds by contacting MPs in NSW!

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