Flyers and Posters to Print and Distribute for the 2017 Rally – Shut It Down: Nothing Has Changed!

Please print and distribute the attached flyers to spread the word about our 2017 Shut It Down rally. Thank you. For printing at home or in the office, here are A4 flyers: VIC: Melbourne – A4 Flyer NSW: Sydney – A4 Flyer QLD: Brisbane – A4 Flyer SA:  Adelaide-A4-Flyer (1) WA: Perth – A4 Flyer A5 posters for download … Read more

Why Should You Participate in the April 9 National Day of Action?

Contributed by Jeff White

Throughout the country, the racing industry has shown itself resistant to reform, and the state governments that sanction their cruel enterprise have been shown to lack the moral and political will to do what is right for the dogs. This is unacceptable to the majority of Australians. The long and continuous parade of scandals and outrages has awakened their consciousness of the routine and casual barbarity that pervades greyhound racing, and they are sickened by it. They are rapidly coming to realize that the only solution is to shut down the greyhound racing industry, nationwide.

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Why Greyhound Racing Self-Regulation Fails in 3 Tails

Numerous inquiries into greyhound racing have highlighted the serious failure of self-regulation in the greyhound racing industry. When the duty of regulation falls upon an organisation that is also responsible for marketing and promoting the industry, there is an obvious conflict of interest – and greyhounds pay the price. Here are three tails that showcase this failure perfectly.

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A One-Week Snapshot of Greyhound Racing in Australia

It’s common to hear the phrase “but greyhounds love to run” bandied about as an excuse for the greyhound racing industry to exploit a breed of creatures they refer to as ‘product’. And sure enough, any greyhound adopter will tell you that their pet, like any other dog, enjoys a run off the leash. But running and racing are not the same thing.

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