Has there been any progress in addressing the recommendations from
the Investigation into the Darwin Greyhound Association Final Report
which was released 20 July 2021? Hard to tell, as the responses
here are not outcomes focussed.
2021 independent report finds that NT greyhound racing “does not have adequate policies and procedures in place to ensure best practice animal welfare standards are being adhered to.”
The Darwin Greyhound Association operates the only registered NT track at Winnellie. They receive hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from the NT Government.
NT greyhound racing is regulated by Licensing NT on behalf of the NT Racing Commission. The greyhound racing industry, its promoters and regulators are responsible for the welfare of greyhound racing dogs, and therefore the industry is self-regulated.
Investigation launched into DGA
In June 2020, a number of current and former members and trainers made allegations against the DGA. According to NT Racing Commission this included “the operation, the association and greyhound racing“.
As a result of these complaints, the NT Racing Commission and NT Consumer Affairs Commissioner launched an investigation into the DGA. Hutton McCarthy Lawyers were appointed as independent investigators.
A damning report
The resulting report slammed the governance of the NT greyhound industry and found serious flaws in the way greyhounds are treated.
It exposed an industry operating with little or no concern for animal welfare. It also revealed a regulator with few strategic or operational guidelines in place to protect greyhounds from injury, unnecessary euthanasia and doping; and promote adequate housing and medical care.
Failures of the Racing Commission
The Racing Commission told the investigation that it considered the oversight it had provided was sufficient. The authors of the report responded by saying, “we disagree”.
The report provided evidence of the lack of animal welfare policies implemented, no consideration of the high rates of greyhound euthanasia and the small number of drug swabs conducted given the high percentage of positive results.
Also, the Commission had also not exercised its power to impose penalties, cancel or suspend registration in the past three years.
The NT is the black hole of greyhound racing. There is a total lack of transparency with the industry releasing no information about greyhound breeding, rehoming, injury and euthanasia.
In July 2021, the NT Racing Commission published the damning Investigation into the Darwin Greyhound Association
Key points
- injury and euthanasia rates among the highest in the country: 36 greyhounds were euthanased in 2019 and 2020 and more than 20 of these were because of an injury
- positive results from drug swabs far higher than any other jurisdiction despite fewer swabs conducted per race dog
- inadequate living conditions and lack of commitment to managing greyhound health
- a need to "immediately and significantly" increase the financial assistance to rehoming organisations to reduce euthanasia rates
- paperwork for "retired" greyhounds found to be deficient

On 4 May 2022 two-year old My Shout Jess fell in the back straight at Winnellie.
Sustaining “bilateral hind leg paresis”, she was euthanased by the on-track vet. A vet has advised CPG that sudden paralysis of both hind legs suggests a spinal fracture.
Inadequate housing conditions
Most racing greyhounds in the NT are trained and kennelled at the Winnellie track. The report mentioned kennelling in particular as evidence of the inadequate treatment of greyhounds in the NT. Below are some of the pictures included in the report as examples of the poor kennelling conditions. During the investigation, “19 kennels were identified that were housing greyhounds which were not compliant with the minimum size requirements (3 sq.m.) for use as a racing kennel”.
- Hutton McCarthy: Investigation into the Darwin Greyhound Association, Final Report
- ABC News online: Darwin Greyhound Association to be probed by NT Racing Commission
- ABC News online: Report into Darwin Greyhound Association finds ‘inadequate’ treatment, including high rates of injury, euthanasia
- The NT News: ‘Not sufficient’: Report slams governance of Territory’s greyhound industry