Right now, greyhounds continue to suffer unnecessary pain and horrendous deaths at the hands of persons registered with the Victorian greyhound racing industry, who are getting away with appalling cruelty.
Please use our email template or write your own email calling on Victorian Racing Minister Anthony Carbines to urgently:
- amend the greyhound racing laws to mandate penalties
- establish a greyhound welfare regulator which is completely independent of the commercial racing body
- ensure that Greyhound Racing Victoria penalties are consistent with those imposed under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (POCTAA).
A slap on the wrist
Following the 2015 exposure of live baiting, Australians were promised the greyhound racing industry would be cleaned up.
A new CPG report “Current state of greyhound racing regulation: Victoria” shows the Victorian Government’s response to date has failed to stop greyhounds suffering pain and harm.
CPG research shows the racing industry’s penalty guidelines aren’t being applied because the Government failed to mandate them in legislation. The result is that even repeat offenders just get a slap on the wrist.
Racing industry participants who mistreat their dogs don’t face the same penalties as other Victorians, especially when it comes to doping.
The CPG report includes a number of case studies (pages 23-28) which highlight appalling animal cruelty and neglect. Some resulting in the most horrific deaths of the greyhounds involved.
Racing industry participants who commit serious animal welfare breaches must face the same consequences that other Victorians would under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (POCTAA).
A regulatory model that fails greyhounds
Greyhound Racing Victoria is responsible for both greyhound welfare and the commercial success of the industry. This self-regulatory model leads to ongoing conflicts of interests and fails to prioritise greyhound welfare.
The 2015 taxpayer-funded Perna Report into Victorian greyhound racing made 18 recommendations including the need for an independent integrity and welfare regulator. The Labor Government said it would accept all these recommendations. It is time that they honoured this commitment.
You can use our email template, but the most persuasive emails will also include your own words.
- Use the email template below. This email will be sent to the Victorian Racing Minister Anthony Carbines MP and the Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan MO. Remember to edit with your own words.
Write your own email. A direct email can often have more impact. Please send an email using your own words directly to those responsible for greyhound welfare in Victoria:
[email protected]
[email protected]