Smoke and Mirrors: government misinformation about taxpayer funding

State governments repeat racing industry misinformation about the economic and social contribution of the racing industry. Taxpayers deserve better.

The horse and dog racing industry in Australia and NZ commissions a regular supply of IER consultant reports. These claim to measure the economic benefit to society of the racing industry.

State governments use these reports to justify the use of taxpayer money to fund animal racing. Most media outlets present these reports as fact. However, IER reports use unaudited data, bad economic methodology and inflated job numbers to exaggerate the benefits of the racing industry

CPG is producing a series of reports challenging the misleading data used by state governments to justify the use of public money to support an industry most people reject.




Put simply, if a multiplier effect was included for all existing industries in Tasmania when estimating their economic contribution to the State, the combined effect would be that Tasmania’s economy would be two or three times its current size
Tasmanian Treasury on the economic methodology used in IER reports

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Smoke and Mirrors: New South Wales

Key findings include:

  • Taxpayer funding is the second largest revenue source for Greyhound Racing NSW.
  • NSW racing industry exaggerates employment figures by 13x.
  • Greyhound Racing NSW spends 45% of revenue on prizemoney and 0.5% on animal welfare.
 If the report is not displayed below, click here to open it in a new window. From here you can also download the report as a .pdf.

Smoke and Mirrors: Tasmania

Key findings include:

  • Taxpayer funding is the largest revenue source for Tasracing.
  • Tasracing IER report exaggerates employment figures by 6x.
  • Tasracing spends 83% of revenue on participant payments and 1% on animal care.
 If the report is not displayed below, click here to open it in a new window. From here you can also download the report as a .pdf.

Smoke and Mirrors: Queensland

Key findings include:
  • Taxpayer funding is the second largest revenue source for Racing Queensland
  • Racing Queensland IER report exaggerates employment figures by 5x.
  • Racing Queensland spends 79% of revenue on participant payments and 0.7% on animal care.
If the report is not displayed below, click here to open it in a new window. From here you can also download the report as a .pdf.

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