10 greyhounds killed on Australian tracks in October

Ten young greyhounds lost their lives on Australian tracks in October. Five were killed over 5 days alone. All but one were under 3 years old. Four “failed to finish” their last deadly race. One poor greyhound, Bootleg Road, fell and fractured his wrist on the first turn but gamely ran on to the end. … Read more

The 14 greyhounds killed in September 2022

September 2022 proved lethal for 14 unlucky greyhounds killed racing on Australian tracks. In fact, six greyhounds died in a three-day period alone. Among them were two young dogs tragically killed in their very first race after suffering excruciating leg injuries and being trampled by other greyhounds. A further two greyhounds were killed outright in … Read more

Awful August sees fourteen greyhounds killed

While Greyhound Clubs Australia were celebrating their dog-killing industry at an awards night in Sydney late in August, they were conveniently ignoring the fourteen greyhounds killed racing in the same month. NSW – the deadliest State August saw NSW take the dubious award for most greyhound deaths, a horrifying seven in total, starting at Taree … Read more

Politicians and their dogs stand up for greyhounds on Dogs in Politics Day

Australian politicians – and their canine friends – have come out against greyhound racing to mark Dogs in Politics Day 2022. Rescued greyhounds feature prominently in the video statements collated by the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds. Image above shows Tim Read with Ally.     https://greyhoundcoalition.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Dogs-in-Politics-Day-Final-2022.mp4