Greyhound exports

The RSPCA says – “Greyhounds should not be exported to other countries for racing.”

Despite years of effort by the racing industry itself, the federal government still allows greyhounds and greyhound semen to be exported to destinations with gruesome or below par animal welfare. See here for data on semen import and export.

The Australian greyhound export trade has a long and bloody history. For many years, Australia was the biggest exporter of greyhounds with many going to countries with little or no animal welfare protection. It has always been a practice condemned by the RSPCA.

“Despite years of efforts by the industry itself, the federal government still allows greyhounds to be exported to destinations with gruesome animal welfare records. And its reasons for doing so keep changing.” 

– Little to be proud of when sending dogs to grim deaths, Bernard Keane, Crikey, September 23, 2021.

While the numbers now leaving this country are lower, successive Federal Governments have failed to:

  • close the loophole that still allows greyhounds to be shipped without a greyhound passport – here you can read about the games being played,
  • ban greyhound exports,
  • check whether our greyhounds are being shipped on to countries with a history of animal cruelty via midway points like the UK and New Zealand – no data on this is available, yet the practice still continues, see this story and the boxed story on this page. 

Will Agriculture Minister Murray Watt finally put an end to this brutal practice and stop the export of Australian greyhounds. And the answer is NO. Read more here. 

here about the export and warehousing of Australian greyhounds in the USA at rescue kennels

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