Greyhounds are put under intense pressure when racing. Injuries are very common and cause intense pain, suffering and distress. Serious injuries can lead to greyhounds dying on the track or being put to death at the end of a race.
Details of all 2021 on-track greyhound deaths and injuries are provided in the register below. This information is drawn from publicly available greyhound racing stewards’ reports.
Dogs are also removed from the track after serious injury and later euthanased. NSW is the only state to regularly publish the number of off-track deaths but does not provide names or details of the catastrophic injuries. The GWIC injury reports show 28 dogs were euthanased off-track in NSW in 2021 following racing injuries.
Other states do not publish details of off-track euthanasias following racing injury. Freedom of information requests have provided details of some dogs in TAS and WA.
Where the names and details of dogs euthanased off-track have been provided by the industry, they have also been included in the register below.